Thursday, April 21, 2011

A carrer-related web site I enjoy visiting

This is an interesting web site for all the Chilean public administrators. DIPRES is the institution in charge of the use of public finance, programming, and fiscal politics in general. The DIPRES website has many sections, including:

Historic budgets: budgets since 1999 until this year.
System of evaluation and control of management, which means an analysis about how is working the government.
Fiscal stats: income and expenses.
Press documents and more.

Also, this website has three more sections:
1 Institutions reports.
2 Content reports.
3 Historical reports.

I visit DIPRES sometimes, because I am doing every year analysis of Chilean public institutions for my university works.

I think this website is possible one of the best in the Chilean public administration because offers the chance to compare different institutions in the management, control and evaluation of their own actions. Is very important in public administration establish standards and DIPRES web site is a very good instrument in that way and also shows clearly how our institutions are working. Another advantage of this web site is its constantly changing virtual platform, according the variations in the society and the needs of the government.

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